
Walk courageously, God is with you!


Approaching a new year always seems to carry a sense of adventure and expectation, although that attitude is not normally mixed with the level of trepidation we might be feeling just now. Moses’ successor Joshua, one of two faithful spies, seems to have embodied this sense of courageous expectation much of his life, but even he needed an extra dose of Divine encouragement as the Lord commanded him to cross the Jordan and take possession of the promised Land.

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Shock your enemies!

Between the years 1861-1865 the United States found itself in the midst of a bitter civil war over the issue of slavery, and several other serious disagreements. By the time the North won the war nearly 620,000 soldiers had perished. There were many in the North who were so embittered that the South had dragged them into such a deadly conflict that they wanted the South to pay dearly.

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Are you on Rocky Ground?

I came across an old legend about three cowboys crossing the desert on horseback by night. Suddenly, as they reached a rocky spot, a voice came from heaven and commanded them: “Friends, pick up some pebbles, put them in your pockets and do not look at them till morning.” The men looked at each other in astonishment and began to do as they were told. The voice went on to promise that if they obeyed, they would be both glad and sad. The perplexed men put a few pebbles each in their pockets and went on their way.

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Get Drenched!

If you’ve never visited Niagara Falls, you’re in for a truly amazing experience! Years ago, during my first visit, I was awestruck by its enormity. It’s mind-blowing to think that every second about one-hundred and fifty thousand tons of water plunges down. The sheer marvel of Niagara Falls attracts nearly 12 million tourists each year.

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Watch….and pray, because you love!

ephesians 6 18 all times all saints

Worthy News recently covered a story about the impact of prayer in the lives of the everyday American. As I read through the poll, I was shocked at how little Americans pray. In these days, prayer simply must become an essential in our daily walk. Pondering this, I realized I’ve never done an in-depth series on prayer, its importance, and how to be an effective prayer warrior. This will be the first in a series of devotions discussing this important subject — prayer and intercession.

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Walk in Prophecy!

This is an interesting passage of Scripture which details how Josiah, a young and Godly king, went forth to cleanse the land, and in doing so, finds that he was fulfilling a prophecy given years before. Josiah went forth doing what was right — and in doing so, was walking out the works that God preordained for him — he was fulfilling the calling that God had set into motion years before!

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Experience Faith, (Say “Amen!”)


The word “Amen” (אָמֵן) properly pronounced in Hebrew “ah-mehn”, means “so be it” or “may it be so”, and also, “Yes, it is true!” Some scholars suggest a connection with the Hebrew word for truth, “emet” (אֶמֶת), because of the two similar root letters, “aleph”(א) and “mem” (מ). Truth ought to be confirmed. At the end of a prayer, saying “Amen” expresses the desire to affirm and confirm what was requested or proclaimed. Leha’ameen, (להאמין) means “to believe, trust or confide in”, and all variations of this root (אמן) relate to “emunah” (אמונה): faith, belief, or faithfulness!

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