

Ever gotten one of those really bad paper cuts? I heard someone complaining about one just recently – and I got to thinking about all the stuff we gripe about without even realizing it. Our jobs and our relationships, our parents, our children, our churches, our homes, our appearances.

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Pass the Grace, Please!

Maybe it’s because we live in the desert and our bodies crave salt to maintain a certain level of hydration or something, but lately we’ve become big fans of salt around here. Not a day goes by that our daughter, Elianna doesn’t ask for “salt in my hand please”, lol. “What in the world does salt have to do with grace and truth?”, you ask. Well, I’ll tell you.

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Ya Can’t Always Get It the Way You Want It!

We’re preparing to celebrate our 7th Thanksgiving here in Israel, and as you may or may not know, the majority of Israelis have never heard of this holiday. So it’s always an adventure on the day we go out hunting for a turkey and all the other Thanksgiving foods which Americans are normally accustomed to. You see, most Israelis have never contemplated the idea of cooking a turkey whole, (not that the little Israeli ovens could even fit one if they had).

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The Hebrew Word “Ch-sed”

Biblical scholars have often complained that the word חֶסֶד in the Hebrew Bible is difficult to translate into English, because it really has no precise equivalent in our language. English versions usually try to represent it with such words as “loving-kindness,” “mercy,” “steadfast love,” and sometimes “loyalty,” but the full meaning of the word cannot be conveyed without an explanation, such as the one given in the article below. This article, by Norman H. Snaith, is reproduced from A Theological Word Book of the Bible, edited by Alan Richardson (New York: MacMillan, 1951), pp. 136-7.

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Believe it … or not?

Jonathan Whitfield was preaching to coal miners in England. He asked one man, “What do you believe?” “Well, I believe the same as the church.” “And what does the church believe?” “Well, they believe the same as me.” Seeing he was getting nowhere, Whitfield said, “And what is it that you both believe?” “Well, I suppose the same thing.”

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