What’s your prescription?

Proverbs 29:18 Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.

Some of you know the miraculous story of our daughter Elianna. She was born blind, with a rare eye condition called bilateral vitreous hemorrhage. We didn’t even realize it until she was three months old. But when we did, we immediately went to the Lord in prayer and fasting for her healing. Low and behold, the Lord began to heal her.

Today, two years later, we’re overjoyed to say that despite the fact that her vision is not yet perfect, she is a thriving and beautifully developing two-year old.. and the Lord continues to heal her!

A couple of months ago, we noticed that Elianna is having some trouble with depth perception, which keeps her from being confident going up and down steps among other things. We were finally able to see a fabulous doctor, after a long, socialistic-health-care-system-wait. This doctor is apparently the best in Israel for children’s eye care and she was the first doctor we’ve seen who has given us a clear and educated diagnosis as well as a promising solution. Last week, Elianna was given a prescription for glasses which we and her doctor believe will change the way she sees radically and help her to grow leaps and bounds in development.

At the eyeglass shop on Friday, Elianna tried on her “new eyes”. She was a little scared at first, holding tight to mommy and whimpering a bit. But by this week we have already seen amazing growth! Our little two year-old doesn’t take off her glasses and is quite obviously enjoying the freedom and confidence she feels with them on. Though she seemed content before, she’s never been able to see like this! Elianna’s experiencing the world in a new way!

I think some of us might need a new pair of glasses today. Perhaps we’ve been content seeing the world the way we have but God wants us to see it in a new way! Our vision has been impaired by the enemy of our souls! But God has plans for us to be doing things we couldn’t even fathom! He wants us to climb and run with freedom and confidence! He wants us to see and try new things that we haven’t tried and seen before! He wants us to grow and develop to our potential — and even exceed it!

Let’s allow the Lord to give us a heavenly prescription today. There’s so much work to be done!

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