Escape Doubting Castle!

Hebrews 10:23 Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful.

In John Bunyan’s best-selling book, Pilgrim’s Progress, the central character, Christian, begins his journey leaving the city of Destruction and ventures on his way toward the Celestial City. Early on his journey, Christian decides to depart from the narrow path onto an easier one which leads him to the territory of Despair and its stronghold, Doubting Castle.

There, Christian is captured, overwhelmed, and locked in a dungeon until his faithful companion, Hope, arrives to remind him of previous victories. As the saint prays throughout the night, he remembers a key in his possession called “Promise”, which will open any lock!

At this moment, a contested election in the United States may be seriously tempting believers off of the narrow path, and onto an easier one characterized by political hopes and expectations. Doubts about election results could lead to capture in the dungeon of Despair. But we also are in possession of the same key of “Promise”, which opens the dungeon gate at Doubting Castle to a Kingdom which cannot be determined by elections or voter fraud.

A young friend of mine shares a “word” she believes God has given her. “Whoever wins, My servants will still serve Me”. That’s us, so be free from doubt. The Sovereign Lord remains on His Throne and will soon receive His Kingdom. He has never run for office nor lost an election. Stay on the narrow road, serving Him with all your heart … no matter what happens!

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